With or Without You de U2 Letra y acordes

With or Without You de U2 Letra y acordesCon o sin ti es la traducción de esta magnífica canción de la banda irlandesa U2.

Es el primer sencillo de la banda que llegó a ser número uno en Estados Unidos y pertenece al álbum de 1987 The Joshua Three.

Partitura de Piano de October de U2 aquí

Aunque solo sea una anécdota, la revista Rolling Stone colocó a este tema en el número 131 en su lista de las 500 mejores canciones de todos los tiempos. Personalmente me encanta el estilo inconfundible de U2.

Vídeo en #Youtube de With or Without You with lyrics (letra en inglés)

Letra, acordes y traducción de With or Without You.

Re La Sim Sol

Re          La                Sim 
   See the stone set in your eyes 
         Sol                 Re 
See the thorn twist in your side 
  La       Sim      Sol 
I wait for you 

Re          La               Sim 
Sleight of hand and twist of fate 
             Sol                Re 
On a bed of nails she makes me wait 
      La         Sim        Sol 
And I wait....without you 

            Re      La 
With or without you 
           Sim       Sol 
With or without you 

Re             La                 Sim 
  Through the storm we reach the shore 
            Sol            Re 
You give it all but I want more 
         Sim         Sol 
And I'm waiting for you 

            Re       La 
With or without you 
            Sim      Sol 
With or without you 
         Re     La 
I can't live 
           Sim        Sol 
With or without you 
         Re             La 
And you give yourself away 
        Sim            Sol 
And you give yourself away 
And you give 
And you give 
        Sim             Sol 
And you give yourself away 

Re              La              Sim 
  My hands are tied   my body bruised, 
             Sol                  Re 
she's got me with nothing left to win 
          Sim                         Sol 
And nothing else to lose 

            Re       La 
With or without you 
            Sim        Sol 
With or without you 
        Re      La 
I can't live 
            Sim      Sol 
With or without you 

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